Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Get behind me!

Wow! It has been one of those weeks (and we are on Tuesday). We have done all of the exciting adoption stuff that we can do up to this moment and so now we are in the "waiting" stage for a bit. I got our dossier paperwork sent out on Friday to Indianapolis to be apostilled. That is huge. Our facilitator says we are ahead of the game.

That is nice.

Except today, things don't feel huge. Or nice.

Things feel like a dreary slushy Tuesday. A day that I had to go to the orthodontist and already my chain has broken (yippee). A day that I got an unpleasant email from someone who could have just called me and we could have worked it out. A day that is one day after my dog died. (Really, aforementioned person, you know my dog died, thanks for making my day so. much. better.) A day that someone told my mom-in-law that it was bad that we are adopting since we don't go to the right church. (Because an orphanage is a better environment for a child? Really?)

This is such a roller coaster. The emotions that go into expanding a family through adoption.

I can feel Satan working through these things. These people. Making my heart hurt. Making me feel like crawling in a hole.

I write this, not to complain, but to shed light on the spectrum of what this is like. When you are trying to do what God wants, Satan doesn't like that. And he is going to use friends, family, situations, to discourage you. He does not want you giving glory to God, he wants you down in the dumps, worrying and angry. He certainly does not want what you are doing to spread and inspire others to do likewise.

I will cast that off. This very moment. I will put those things down and I will rejoice. And I will eat lunch. And I will feel better. And I will treat people better than they deserve because that is what God has done for me.


  1. love is a choice. you are making the right choice, and your discipline and commitment to God shine through ESPECIALLY when it's tough! you are an encouragement and a light in the darkness for so many. keep it up and know that what you do is noticed, respected, and appreciated. we love you guys are so happy to have gotten to know you through necc! i'll send up a prayer for you to feel some peace in this trouble.

  2. Satan is certainly at work. He seems to work that much harder when we are on the verge of doing something that will truly honor God. Sometimes we don't even know what is going on. We must just pray for strength to stand against the wiles of Satan. You are always in my prayers. Love you! Aunt Chery

  3. Thank you! I really do feel so much more peace after writing this. I saw that a lot of people read it really quickly after I had posted it and I could feel the prayers covering me.

  4. My parents adopted me when I was 7 against the advice of some family members. People really tried to talk them out of it. Praise the Lord they didn't listen! Hang in there. God will bless your effort.

  5. When you feel Satan working hard against you, it's a sure sign that God's about to use you in a mighty way. Hang in there, and keep trusting the One who called you here.....He won't let go of you now! Praying for you, and looking so forward to meeting you in just a couple of days!

  6. Praying for you. God has this planned out...and nothing surprises Him, even the reactions/comments and hurtful things. Keep running to your boy. You know what was laid on and in your heart long ago. It is an amazing story. Yes, the enemy will to great lengths to hurt you and discourage you through those you never suspected but praise God, the enemy is already. defeated! I am sooo sorry about your dog! I read that post yesterday :( Call anytime...here to listen.

  7. Not long ago I was feeling very angst about how some people were perceiving my decisions and God gave me the following: When others criticize your decisions they are criticizing my plans. This gave me great peace!
