Sunday, March 24, 2013

Amazing Grace

I went to a workshop in Atlanta and saw this video. It is about a girl who had been blind since birth. Everything that she holds to be factual is based on faith.

Tonight Garth and I went to a concert that the League for the Blind held at the Embassy. It was wonderful. The Blind Boys of Alabama. Normally they have a blues group and I leave feeling the need for a hearty serving of hemlock. This time, however, was gospel. And oh what gospel it was. Stand up. Respond. Clap in rythmn. (still working on that last one, haha).

I left feeling uplifted.

As I sat in the auditorium I thought about how we are taking a huge step of faith. Not based on any experience that we have. Not based on anything I can't explain it if you don't understand faith. There are roads that you will take that would cause me to balk. This is a road that we are taking that we realize is out of many people's comfort zones. But that doesn't mean that it is not the right one.

We are walking by faith, not by sight.

And we are promised that One Day we will understand.

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