Wednesday, April 17, 2013

And The Big News Is.....

There is no news.

I feel like I am eight and a half months pregnant and people keep asking me when I am due, when my baby is going to be here.

Has it only been one week, today, since our papers were submitted? It feels like a lifetime.

I have decided to nest...

As you can see, that hasn't necessarily translated into anything actually being done, but I feel like I am being more productive just by saying I am nesting. And really, look at a birds nest, doesn't it kind of look like a mash of needing to be folded laundry?

In all seriousness, waiting is so hard for me!

I have decided that my project will be to make a ton of freezer meals using the book Don't Panic-Dinner's in the Freezer. It is my goal to have 30 meals in the freezer by the time that I leave so that Garth and my other kids won't starve and so that I will be a little ahead of the game once I am home.

Look at I not awesome at procrastinating when it comes to laundry?!

Now to start...


  1. Hi! I 'think' I know who your D is. And if it is the same D that I am thinking of I am THRILLED to follow your journey to him. I have gathered bits and pieces about this boy over the last year and fell madly in love with him. He is so special. I have been praying and fasting for him and was so excited when I heard a few weeks back that a family was pursuing him! But I didn't know who it is. if it is you guys, know that I am praying for him and for you guys. I cannot wait to see him in a family. Hugs from Canada. xxx

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