Wednesday, July 17, 2013

What is going on...(I don't know, either)

I am worn.

Our judge is being a jerk and not giving us the papers until the last minute (we were supposed to have them yesterday or the day before, but still no sign) and the passport malarkey is still up in the air and so I have no idea of WHEN about anything and I don't like that.

And tonight at church we were singing and I just got a huge rush of homesickness for Camp Indogan (which I normally help at this week and my kids are there) and church. And my family.

If I knew definitively when things were happening I would feel better because an end would be in sight but as of right now I have zero idea when I will be home and see my family. Some people have been stuck here for weeks extra. And are still waiting.

And I keep losing weight.

Probably stress. I mean, I really love so much here, but I think that this is probably the HARDEST thing I have ever done.

(Doesn't that sound like Alexander and the Horrible No Good Very Bad Day?!)

Enough of that!

I am working everyday to find something to be thankful for and there are so many things. Today
Daniel kissed me on the mouth. Normally he has always kissed my cheek but today he took my face in his hands and planted one on me.

And I LOVE the church here. I am going to forever miss them when we leave. It is very small, 30 or so, but it is so alive and people are so responsive to the gospel. Tonight the preacher told of the first
Bible he saw and how special it was. The stories of salvation and God moving make me want to weep. How much we have come to take for granted. Bibles being thrown on the floor or sold at a garage sale. Us replacing one so that we can have one that coordinates with our shoes.

The first Bible that he saw cost 60 Russian Rubles and was purchased by a woman who's monthly salary was 100 Rubles. Many people would gather at the woman's house to read the Bible and look at it.

The church meets Sunday, Wednesday and Friday. And they are each others life and support. And I see how many excuses we make to miss Sunday. How full our American lives become when we allow things beside God to take center stage. The church here is actively involved in orphan ministry. Like every week going and teaching orphans. And meeting three different days. These people are a family. They do not call each other brother and sister for show, they are truly doing life together, without the trendy terms.

One of the young women at church took this week off to spend with us and has fed us nearly every day this week. I wonder if I would be so kind to a visitor. I think, before this experience, I might have said that I am too busy. These people have touched both Forest and I very deeply.

1 comment:

  1. I "found" your post, Crystal, and read it tearfully. Our church is small, too. And this kind of community is what I pray for. NOT just because we are related in a biological way, but the way you describe here. I recently read Ann's post here: It goes right along with what you are saying. God is DEFINITELY speaking to ME. I pray as I write for His will to be accomplished, His kingdom to MY life, the Sponseller family, our church, His world.
