Sunday, September 22, 2013

A Week in the Life

So, the most common question I get is, "How is it going? How is everyone adjusting?"

Adjustment is like cleaning out your craft closet. It is going to look worse before it gets better. And that is the truth. That and the fact that I am going to lie to you. Because you probably don't really want to hear the hairy part. Instead of telling you how I feel sometimes, I will show you a picture, but they are worth a thousand words. (look closely at my eyes)


In the interest of being open about what it is really like, I decided to give you a play by play of last week. Simply the facts.

  • Monday: Good day at school. Read this blog by Jen Hatmaker. It outlines what the first year is supposed to look like, or generally does end up looking like. Felt cheated when I saw that there was supposed to be a honeymoon period. Maybe we can save up and take one on our tenth anniversary.
  • Tuesday: Good day at school. Skyped with his friend who was adopted a year ago. Got off of Skype and REGRESSED. Big time. Rocking. Fits. Crying. Delight.
  • Wednesday: Hid under the teacher's desk at school (see above as to why). Refused to come out until I spoke on the phone with him. Came out... He should have stayed under the desk. Enough said.
  • Thursday: Rough day at school. Ended up in the principal's office playing on an ipad.
  • Friday: you know what? I am done enumerating. 
  • Saturday: went to Johnny Appleseed Festival. Good times. 
And now it is Monday and I have been called by the school. And it breaks my heart. And the school has no power over him. And I feel like I should go get him but the school said no and I have a headache. 


Moral of the story: we will hold off on the skype for awhile. 

1 comment:

  1. How tired you are- that was me for 5 months (granted, we had 2 newbies to chase after). I feel like now, 6.5 months home, we have JUST started to settle in. And the Skype - oh, yes. That will happen. We had the same thing with AJ and, unfortunately, had to realize that "friend" in the internat doesn't necessarily mean "friend," and that some friends are better left in the past. So sorry it's beating you down, but trust me my friend, it does get better and then these hard days are just a wisp of a memory. xx
