Thursday, August 27, 2015

School: Round Three

School is off to a good start.

Grace is in middle school! How did that even happen?

Claire and Daniel are in 3rd grade this year.

Wyatt is in 2nd. 
Last year Daniel did a 1st / 2nd split. It was what he needed to begin trying to catch up. I am so blown away when I think back to the child that he was two years ago!

Two years ago! That's right! He has been home for TWO years now. It is amazing to me to realize how far he has come in terms of growth. God is definitely in the business of binding broken hearts and building families.

I praise God for the work that He has done in my heart through bringing Daniel into our family. Some of the things that we deal with are not things that I ever envisioned for my life, but it is LIFE. You just do what you have to do and the more you do it, the more you realize it isn't a big deal. You learn to find the treasure in all of your children's hearts. There are the obvious gifts and then the hidden ones. The obvious tend to change with the season, but the hidden gifts seem to be the ones that God has planted and nurtured like a precious seed. Those seeds are the ones that root down deep and then flourish, given the proper nourishment.

May we all search for the seeds that God has planted within ourselves and others and upon finding those seeds, may we cherish and care for them in order to allow them to reach their full potential.

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