Sunday, August 25, 2013

Bananas, Grapes, French Fries and NYET SHKOLA!

School started last week and my littles merrily skipped off.

On Monday, that is.

Daniel came home, thrilled to see me. "Mama! I missed you! I miss Grace! I miss Claire! I miss Wyatt! I miss Papa! I miss Grandma! I miss Jenny!" 

It is rough for a kid who just found his place to willingly leave it everyday.

Tuesday rolled around and with it rolled the tide of trouble that comes when little Amerikranian boys didn't realize that they would ever have to go back.

He is not bad or mean. He is disruptive.

Make the children laugh.

Teach them Russian.

Touch everything.


And although I had told the principal that he would act like a two year old, I think it came as a surprise to her that I was spot-on.

And, of course, I worry. Because that is what mothers do.

I sought advice. One friend told me to pull him out for a few months or at least wean him into the day. Another recommended homeschooling. And as much soul searching as I have done, hoping to find one shred of a homeschooling mother inside of me, it is not there.

On Wednesday I went to school and sat with him for three hours. I had to hold him twice, but other than that he really did very well. I sat with him and explained what was being taught to him.

He really is so much smarter than anyone has ever given him credit for. The children were supposed to write their names on white boards. I have shown Daniel his name over and over but he has never expressed any desire to write it, so I wrote "Dan" because, let's face it, "Daniel" is harder. I figured he could trace what I had written. Instead he looked at the name plate that the teacher had written for him and put on his desk and...well, I will let you see what he did...

Not shabby.

Thursday Daniel had his first pediatrician appointment. He is healthy. Just small. He has lost weight since being off some of his medications and that has at least given him a healthy BMI.

He went back to school after the doctor appointment and did well.

By Friday, he was a little more used to the routine, but still having some issues. Not sure what, but when his teacher brought him to the car and said, "I will see you tomorrow!" and I said, "Tomorrow is Saturday." She said, "Hallelujah!" I am guessing that she was as ready for the week to be done as he was. 

Thankfully, the other three had a much smoother week.

Grace is in fourth! (my baby!!!), Claire is in first and Wyatt is in kindergarten.

Grace is miffed by the personality survey that I sent back to the school. Apparently me saying that praise is a good motivator means I don't really know her. I don't know what she wanted me to put...Maybe I should have said "fifty dollar bills."

Claire has a loose tooth. And she has been saving it for weeks. Her big plan was to lose it at school and get one of those nifty tooth necklaces to bring it home in. They are currently out of stock in her class room and so her tooth still dangles. By a thread. It flips when she talks. I am hoping they get those tooth necklaces back soon. If they have been caboshed due to budget cuts, I say that we all ok a referendum to pitch in a little money to give kiddos a cheap thrill.

Wyatt is in kindergarten. And I haven't had much of an opportunity to properly mourn it. I am happy to say that he is still a mama's boy, even though I ditched him for much of the summer. Sunday night before school started he told me he was scared to go to kindergarten. I asked why and, although I am not fully clear, I think it has something to do with girls.

Another struggle that this past week brought was food issues. We have constantly had some small struggles but with everything else, this last week was worse.

What Daniel will eat is a moving target. One day all he will want is eggs. The next the mere mention of an egg has him flipping out.

There are three things that Daniel will eat, non-stop, as far as I have observed: Bananas, grapes (green), and french fries. At least the first two are healthy and I can substitute sweet potatoes on the last one. It was my vision to do his future bride a favor and make sure that he would not be a picky eater. It is still my hope, but it is somewhat fading.

This morning while doing some reading, God showed me that His grace is like wind. It will come. And it will change things.

So, I will hold on to that truth, Readers, as I am off to the grocery to raid the produce section.

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