Friday, January 30, 2015

From My Journal Dated 10/2013

Dear Friend,

You said in a Facebook post that you loved my son. That post have have taken a moment to send off, but touched my heart in a lasting way. A mama, weary of rejection, cried tears at the kitchen sink after checking her phone and seeing that she wasn't really alone. And although rejection has been the theme of a young soul's journey on earth up to this point, that change is afoot thanks to love.

Dear Sweet Friend who I Lean on for Prayer Support,

You are a soul mother to me with your wisdom and your healing communication with God. Knowing you are praying over us gives me faith to face what may come. Faith to believe God is working it out.

Dear Song Leader,

Thank you for the songs you chose today. The reminder of why we choose to love was so timely. Because somedays that is exactly what this redeeming kind of love comes down to. A choice. "I will love because You loved me."

Dear Church Half a World Away,

Knowing our Sunday communion is communing not only with our Savior, but with our spiritual family as well. Blessings to you for your support and encouragement.


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